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The BMS softball team is coached by Coach Mike Jones.

Softball Team Photo




2024 BMS Softball ScheduleScoreboard Picture
Date Opponent Location Time
August 12 Middleton Middleton 5:00
August 20 TCA Bolivar 5:00
August 22 North Hardeman Bolivar 5:00
August 27 Middleton Bolivar 5:00
August 29 Pickwick Bolivar 5:00
September 3 USJ Bolivar 5:00
September 6 – 7 Selmer Tournament Selmer TBA
September 10 Savannah Christian Bolivar


September 12 Savannah Christian Savannah 6:00
September 17 USJ USJ 6:00
September 19 North Hardeman Hornsby 5:00
September 24 Pickwick Pickwick 6:00
September 26 TCA TCA 6:00




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